Dear participant,

Thank you for your interest in our study.

This study’s aim is to investigate how people can be aided in making better financial decisions. The study will take about 15 minutes.

Task Your task in this study is to make repeated financial decisions on the basis of feedback and additional information provided on the financial options.

Compensation You will be compensated with a flat fee of £1.25 plus a bonus that will depend on your decisions in the task, and that will amount to £0.42 on average.

No risks, no costs Participation in this study is not associated with any risks to your health or financial costs. Your compensation will be credited to your account as soon as possible and latest within 24 hours of completing the study.

Data protection This study is fully annonymized. Your responses will be recorded and analyzed using a randomly-generated, study-specific identifier. The results of this study will be disemminated in conferences and academic journals in aggregated fashion without reference to individual participants. In order to facilitate future research, your responses will also be made publicly available via established online databases, such as the Open Science Framework. However, prior to publishing the data, any information that could theoretically serve for identification, such as your precise age, will furthermore be removed from the data. Identification of your person on the basis of your responses will, thus, be impossible (given current technological means).

Aborting the study Participation in this study is voluntarily. At every point during the study, you will be able to abort the study without providing reasons. When you abort the study, any recorded data will be discarded and, in line with common practice at Prolific, you will not receive compensation for participation in the study. After competition of the study, you will no longer be able to withdraw permission to use your data, as due to the employed annomymization protocol we will no longer be able to link your data to your person.

Version: H2 - v1.24